Ride like Nicola and John
We were stoked to follow Queenstown, New Zealand locals, Nicola and John around to do just this for the day as they ride around their local area with their E - Mountain Bikes, with the added comfort of using their aeroe rear racks.
Nicola and John were able to load up their gear onto their Moustache E - Mountain Bikes simply and quickly onto their aeroe rack system.Perfect for those long Sunday Cafe rides, where you want to ride that little bit longer, and take that extra gear, without the hassle of a backpack.
Gear that Nicola and John take on their rides:
They also always leave a bit of room for extra things incase they hit the shops on their way home! Nicola and John went and checked out the local Lavender Farm, and picked up a couple of pots of honey to take home with them, easily putting them in their aeroe dry bags. Get the weight off your Back - and onto your Bike! Below are some of the products that Nicola and John used on their bike to do just this and free them from wearing a backpack all day. If you have any questions around getting your/partners/parents or even grandparents EMTB setup, get in touch at team@aeroe.com ! |